First, let's not make any excuses. The girls won. Say what you want about the refs and the play calling, we couldn't stop them from scoring. Period. Their strategy of moving TO around was brilliant. Nice job. Some thoughts.
Cowboy offense. Romo is good, no doubt. But, he didn't get any pressure. The very few times he did, he threw off. The run game was held in check save for a couple of big plays. TO is great. Witten is great. The front line did a great job.
Packer defense. Lost. While KGB may or may not have made a difference, Woodson would have. Harris was lost out there and it's because he didn't have any help. While Witten didn't show up until later in the game, he was effective and mismatched against Hawk. What would it have hurt to try some blitzes?!?!?! It drove me nuts to see the Packers do essentially the same thing on defense . . . ALL. NIGHT.
Packer offense. Got lost along the way. I'm not sure who's at fault, but the decision to go long time afer time was just plain stupid. Even if the call came from the coaches, Favre had no business throwing ANY of those passes as there wasn't anything there. That said, we moved the ball. And came to within three after scoring 14 unanswered points . . . with Aaron Rodgers, no less. Who did great, by the way. It could have been closer, it could have been worse.
Dallass defense. Other than getting more pressure on our quarterbacks, they didn't fare any better than we did. While I'm willing to admit the Cowboys outplayed us, I'm not willing to go all the way with the team. Again, if you look at their schedule, the Packers and the Giants are the only teams of substance they've defeated. Will they go undefeated? They've got Detroit, Philly, Carolina, and Washington. They could. Could they win the NFC. Well, they'll have to beat us again. Assuming we'll have players back and have learned something . . . I don't know. Again, their defense looked pretty suspect to me.
OK. A few thoughts on the refs. First, why that wasn't a take away by Harris is beyond me. And if it wasn't, then they're going to have to revisit what constitutes a fumble. Based on yesterday's call, if the ball comes out of the hands of a runner in the course of falling to the ground, but his forward advance has been stopped, that shouldn't be a fumble. How many replays have we watched to determine just that? Like, a lot? Second, interference is the most subjective call in football. Fact is, our guy put his hands on the receiver. Clearly. Did he grab him? No. Did he impede his progress? No. Was the ball catchable? Didn't look that way, but hard to say. Should it have been a penalty? I don't know. I agree with Collinworth, though. To make that call and virtually hand 7 points to a team, you'd better be pretty damn sure.
Lastly. I echo the millions who are saying the same thing . . . the NFL network sucks and Bryant Gumble is clearly the worst football commentator in the world.
Insights, opinions, rants, raves, thoughts, and musings about the world around me.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Well, my nervousness was correct. If you're watching the game, everything Cris Collinsworth said is true. Why the Packers got out of their game plan is beyond me. Plus, you gotta make defensive adjustments. Look at what happened . . . in their ball control offense, the Packers move the ball. Heck, they score with Rogers! They blitz. The girls go three and out.
Running game is in check, so far. But they've got to get to Romo. TO is burning us bad.
The girls and Romo are playing good.
Running game is in check, so far. But they've got to get to Romo. TO is burning us bad.
The girls and Romo are playing good.
Packers and Cowpies
OK. If I'm going to claim to be a football guru then I should make a prediction about tonight's game. Truthfully? I'm nervous. Two things. One, we're a little banged up. KGB and Woodson may not play. I think we could survive without KGB, but not having Woodson might be a factor. Second, Texas Stadium. Bad karma for Brett. Weird field with it's arched surface. And if you've ever been to Dallas you'll know what I', talking about . . . the most rabid fans in football. Cheeseheads don't come close to comparing. Noise could be a factor.
Having said all that . . .
I've pointed out at a few other blogs that the Cowboys haven't defeated anyone of any real substance. Of the teams they've won against, only the Giants have a winning record. The Packers have fared against better teams over all. Plus, you can score on Dallas. They don't have a dominating defense like the Bears, Ravens . . . or even the Packers. I give the edge in defense to the Packers. Offensively, TO will be a concern. Witten will be a bigger concern. The girls don't have anything special as a running game so I don't see them "running" away with a victory. Which leaves Romo. Our front 4 has done a great job of providing pressure with no additional help.
For the Packers, I think the 5 receiver set will give the girls problems. The emergence of a running game could also prove to be beneficial as it's something a lot of teams didn't think they had to contend with. The edge in quarterbacks goes to the seasoned Favre.
So . . .
The Packers go with a ball control offense to take the field out of the equation. They hold TO in relative check and get three sacks on Romo. The 5 receiver set proves again to be a problem for the opposition. Grant will catch more passes and the Packer will win 31 - 24.
Having said all that . . .
I've pointed out at a few other blogs that the Cowboys haven't defeated anyone of any real substance. Of the teams they've won against, only the Giants have a winning record. The Packers have fared against better teams over all. Plus, you can score on Dallas. They don't have a dominating defense like the Bears, Ravens . . . or even the Packers. I give the edge in defense to the Packers. Offensively, TO will be a concern. Witten will be a bigger concern. The girls don't have anything special as a running game so I don't see them "running" away with a victory. Which leaves Romo. Our front 4 has done a great job of providing pressure with no additional help.
For the Packers, I think the 5 receiver set will give the girls problems. The emergence of a running game could also prove to be beneficial as it's something a lot of teams didn't think they had to contend with. The edge in quarterbacks goes to the seasoned Favre.
So . . .
The Packers go with a ball control offense to take the field out of the equation. They hold TO in relative check and get three sacks on Romo. The 5 receiver set proves again to be a problem for the opposition. Grant will catch more passes and the Packer will win 31 - 24.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Serious heading, I know. But, it's a serious topic.
I'm sure many of you have had a family member or close friend die. It's sad. It's very sad. First, it's the end of life's journey for that person. That's it. Game over. I think it's made all the worse when someone young dies. We expect people in their 80's and older to die. It's what happens. Old people have lived their life. They've made their contributions. There is no next step other than death. When you're 40 or 50 years old, there's a lot of life left.
At least, there should be.
The other thing about family and friends dying is that it hits close to home. It reminds us of our own mortality. The inevitability of death. I don't mind telling you, it's unsettling.
Which means the only thing worse than death itself, is knowing you're going to die.
A friend of my wife was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago. The news was bad enough. It was made worse by the fact that it was an agressive and an already wide spread cancer. It was, in effect, a death sentance.
She fought it. She fought it as hard as anyone could. She also lived as much a she could. Spending time with her family, friends, and doing things she enjoyed. As for many, the cancer slowed. Her treatments allowed her time.
She called my wife the other day to inform her that hospice had been set up for her at home. The end is near. All that can and could be done has been done. The fight is over. Cancer won.
From here on she's to be made "comfortable". I can't imagine what that is.
So, what worse? Going to a funeral or visiting a friend who is dying?
It truly puts everything in to perspective. Of the many things I want to impress upon my daughter is the frailty of life and the finality of death. You get one chance. There's no undo, no rewind, no mulligans, no challenges, no do overs. Live life. Enjoy life. But don't tempt or tease or think you can cheat death.
I've had open heart surgery, an exploratoy biopsy (negative), emergency gall bladder surgery, and a blood clot in both lungs. I certainly know what the scare is about. True, in any of these situations, I could have died. But I wouldn't have known about it for very long . . . if at all. Knowing that there are no more options . . . no more hope . . . just death . . . would be terrifying.
So, this Christmas holiday count your blessings. Spend time with the ones you love, and cherish life. People like to say, "live today as though it were your last". I actually hate that. It has a finality to it. I prefer . . .
live today as though it were your first.
I'm sure many of you have had a family member or close friend die. It's sad. It's very sad. First, it's the end of life's journey for that person. That's it. Game over. I think it's made all the worse when someone young dies. We expect people in their 80's and older to die. It's what happens. Old people have lived their life. They've made their contributions. There is no next step other than death. When you're 40 or 50 years old, there's a lot of life left.
At least, there should be.
The other thing about family and friends dying is that it hits close to home. It reminds us of our own mortality. The inevitability of death. I don't mind telling you, it's unsettling.
Which means the only thing worse than death itself, is knowing you're going to die.
A friend of my wife was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago. The news was bad enough. It was made worse by the fact that it was an agressive and an already wide spread cancer. It was, in effect, a death sentance.
She fought it. She fought it as hard as anyone could. She also lived as much a she could. Spending time with her family, friends, and doing things she enjoyed. As for many, the cancer slowed. Her treatments allowed her time.
She called my wife the other day to inform her that hospice had been set up for her at home. The end is near. All that can and could be done has been done. The fight is over. Cancer won.
From here on she's to be made "comfortable". I can't imagine what that is.
So, what worse? Going to a funeral or visiting a friend who is dying?
It truly puts everything in to perspective. Of the many things I want to impress upon my daughter is the frailty of life and the finality of death. You get one chance. There's no undo, no rewind, no mulligans, no challenges, no do overs. Live life. Enjoy life. But don't tempt or tease or think you can cheat death.
I've had open heart surgery, an exploratoy biopsy (negative), emergency gall bladder surgery, and a blood clot in both lungs. I certainly know what the scare is about. True, in any of these situations, I could have died. But I wouldn't have known about it for very long . . . if at all. Knowing that there are no more options . . . no more hope . . . just death . . . would be terrifying.
So, this Christmas holiday count your blessings. Spend time with the ones you love, and cherish life. People like to say, "live today as though it were your last". I actually hate that. It has a finality to it. I prefer . . .
live today as though it were your first.
Friday, November 23, 2007
The first snow
The other night I was reading in bed with my daughter. I got up to get her some water and noticed that the snow had collected a bit outside. I made the comment: "Hey, there's snow on the ground." I then heard footsteps racing from the bedroom in to the kitchen and saw my girlie looking outside the window. "Woo hoo!" she yelled and went racing to the front window. "Cool!" she said as she came back to the bedroom obviously happy with nature's work.
No winter blues here.
No winter blues here.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Heaven on Earth
Every now and again, I come across a little something that makes life all the more precious.
This time around:
Cheesecake bites at Arby's.
Little bits of deep fried heaven.
This time around:
Cheesecake bites at Arby's.
Little bits of deep fried heaven.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
There's always a chance
While not a fan at all, my sympathies go out to Kanye West and his family. His mother died as a result of complications from plastic surgery. Her death has uncovered the rather "questionable" qualifications of the doctor who treated her. Cleary, from all accounts, this "doctor" is a dirt bag and whatever "practice" he has should be closed. and all qualifications given him stripped. Now, it may well be Kanye's mother would have died no matter what. The final cause of death hasn't been revealed. But her tragic death should act as a reminder to all, but mostly women, that there is no "simple" surgical procedure. Yes, many have become "routine" but going under the knife always carries with it some risk. I think it's goofy to be so image obsessed to a point of wanting to have surgery done to alter your looks. It's nuts. Virtually all plastic surgery looks like . . . you've had plastic surgery! Reconstructive surgery is different. I can even go so far as someone wanting to correct a bump in their nose or having crooked teeth fixed. But the extent to which some women go is frightening. Fake boobs are the worst offenders. In many cases women go too big. In all cases fake boobs look stupid. Fake. Why someone would want to have a couple of sacks of water implanted in their chest is beyond me. Granted, not many people die. But they do. Other complications are more common though not life threatening. Pain, scars, infection, bad results . . . there's just no guarantee.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
I'm just sayin'
I've mentioned the arthritis in my back. After a bad few weeks of pain, my doctor tells me I could go see a neurologist at a pain clinic if I want. There's more a neurologist can do for a person, even outside of surgery. So, I decide that that's what I want to do. Now, I need the referral from my doctor. No problem. I call the pain clinic and I am given a few options in which to see the doctor. All within the next few days. I schedule a week from my call. The neurologist tells me in addition to the xrays, he'd really like an MRI to make sure there isn't any nerve damage or other problems to consider. Now, I have insurance. I pay for a percentage of it. It's not a cadillac plan, but it's coverage.
Anyway, the doctor gives me a few options for centers that do MRI's. I call. I'm given a few schedule options within the next few days. I schedule about a week from my call.
So, I went from my doctor to a neurologist, had a MRI done, all in the span of a couple of weeks. And only because that's how I scheduled it.
Think you can do that in Canada or Great Britain?
Anyway, the doctor gives me a few options for centers that do MRI's. I call. I'm given a few schedule options within the next few days. I schedule about a week from my call.
So, I went from my doctor to a neurologist, had a MRI done, all in the span of a couple of weeks. And only because that's how I scheduled it.
Think you can do that in Canada or Great Britain?
Football Guru

I run an office football pool at work. Actually, there's two. A weekly pick game, and a seaon long pick game. I've won the weekly game once so far, but I lead in the season long contest. Over at WISN's website, they run a pick contest. Since I run the pool at work, I'm often kidded that I must be cheating. I know it's all in good fun but I now have proof of my football picking prowess. Over at the WISN contest I am currently 13th among 717 players, or the 98% percentile. Have a look above.
In your face!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Humpback or Blue?
I watched the Baltimore Ravens embarrass themselves tonight. Pitiful game, really. McNair really looked bad. Really bad. Like, retirement bad.
But it was after the game that I felt the most disturbed. I don't know the name of the announcer guy, but Steve Young and Emmit Smith have to be the most annoying on camera . . . not talents . . . blow holes ever. These two make Dan Marino look humble. They make Joe Theisman look inviting. They make Dan Dierdorf look good. They talk clearly to listen to themselves talk. Young tries to look and sound the part of a shrewd and cleaver analyst. It comes off as retarded.
Even Cris Carter is looking good after this.
But it was after the game that I felt the most disturbed. I don't know the name of the announcer guy, but Steve Young and Emmit Smith have to be the most annoying on camera . . . not talents . . . blow holes ever. These two make Dan Marino look humble. They make Joe Theisman look inviting. They make Dan Dierdorf look good. They talk clearly to listen to themselves talk. Young tries to look and sound the part of a shrewd and cleaver analyst. It comes off as retarded.
Even Cris Carter is looking good after this.
My achy breaky back!
OK. I stole that from Hannah Montana. Which also means you know I watch Hannah Montana. A by product of having a 7 year old daughter. I wouldn't admit to really liking it . . . a lot! Nooo.
I've got arthritis in my back. It presents problems from time to time . . . and pain. When I'm good I can still walk around State Fair with my 60lb 7 year old on my back. But, when I'm bad, I can barely carry my own weight. Both my parents have arthritis, as does my older sister and brother, so it comes as no surprise. I've been to the doctor and I've had an MRI. It's there. It just a matter of living with it and doing what I can to keep it under control. One of those things is physical therapy. I've gone a few times and it has always done good by me. Between what they do and the excersies (stretching) they give me to do, I've always managed to do better.
Well, I did some work for a spa last year. I did it for exchange of servcies . . . a barter. I thought it would make a nice gift for the wife. Well, she decided it would be nice if we went to a spa day together. I really didn't want to as I'm not a big fan of all the smelly stuff and creams they want to rub on you. But as it was a nice date out with my wife, I agreed.
First, not as bad as I first thought. Yes, there was the aroma stuff, soft music, creams, and the like, but it was really low pressure. If you didn't want it, you didn't have to have it. I was having two things done, a cranial sacral massage, and a full body massage. The cranial sacral massage, I thought, would be good for my back as it targeted the spine, neck, and head. It wasn't a massage as much as it was a pressure point procedure. Supposedly designed to break up connective tissue and reduce tension. It was about 30 minutes long. My reaction is so-so. There were some things the masseuse did that mimiced what my PT did. That felt good. The rest of it . . . well . . . it was relaxing.
Then I go for my full body massage. I've never had one before. I'm both looking forward to it . . . and not. On the one hand I knew it would feel great. On the other hand, it seemed a little weird to have a female other than my wife rubbing me down while I'm in my underwear. And, I was nervous. I've heard about the "it hurts so good" comments. Particularly about my back. Well, she starts . . . and it feels pretty good. She really digs in! She also does some "adjustment" type things on my back as if to "straighten" or pull the tissue from the spine. It doesn't hurt. But it doesn't feel great, either. I tell her to relax on that because of my arthritis. She moves on and everything seems to go well.
Afterward my neck hurt. But my back felt alright. My wife and I went out to eat and went home. We both slept good.
I woke up with the most intense pain in my back I've felt in a long time. My neck hurt and was stiff, the middle of my back had multiple knots in it, and my lower back was twitching. I barely made it to work. Good thing it was Friday. I sat on a heating pad all day long and took some pain killers. That helped, but didn't provide any real releif. The weekend was spent doing ice bags and heat pads, watching TV, and reading with my daughter. It was terrible! I was in all kinds of pain! I was worthless the whole weekend.
It's Monday and I'm better, but far from normal. I have PT tomorrow so this will be a topic of conversation. Did the massage screw up my back? I'm certainly gun shy now. Was it just my situation? I told them I had arthritis in my back. You'd think that would be factored in to the things they do to you. I know one woman working there of a PT for 9 years before coming to this spa. So you'd think they know about things like srthritis and such. Dunno. But, I likely won't be back anytime soon!
I've got arthritis in my back. It presents problems from time to time . . . and pain. When I'm good I can still walk around State Fair with my 60lb 7 year old on my back. But, when I'm bad, I can barely carry my own weight. Both my parents have arthritis, as does my older sister and brother, so it comes as no surprise. I've been to the doctor and I've had an MRI. It's there. It just a matter of living with it and doing what I can to keep it under control. One of those things is physical therapy. I've gone a few times and it has always done good by me. Between what they do and the excersies (stretching) they give me to do, I've always managed to do better.
Well, I did some work for a spa last year. I did it for exchange of servcies . . . a barter. I thought it would make a nice gift for the wife. Well, she decided it would be nice if we went to a spa day together. I really didn't want to as I'm not a big fan of all the smelly stuff and creams they want to rub on you. But as it was a nice date out with my wife, I agreed.
First, not as bad as I first thought. Yes, there was the aroma stuff, soft music, creams, and the like, but it was really low pressure. If you didn't want it, you didn't have to have it. I was having two things done, a cranial sacral massage, and a full body massage. The cranial sacral massage, I thought, would be good for my back as it targeted the spine, neck, and head. It wasn't a massage as much as it was a pressure point procedure. Supposedly designed to break up connective tissue and reduce tension. It was about 30 minutes long. My reaction is so-so. There were some things the masseuse did that mimiced what my PT did. That felt good. The rest of it . . . well . . . it was relaxing.
Then I go for my full body massage. I've never had one before. I'm both looking forward to it . . . and not. On the one hand I knew it would feel great. On the other hand, it seemed a little weird to have a female other than my wife rubbing me down while I'm in my underwear. And, I was nervous. I've heard about the "it hurts so good" comments. Particularly about my back. Well, she starts . . . and it feels pretty good. She really digs in! She also does some "adjustment" type things on my back as if to "straighten" or pull the tissue from the spine. It doesn't hurt. But it doesn't feel great, either. I tell her to relax on that because of my arthritis. She moves on and everything seems to go well.
Afterward my neck hurt. But my back felt alright. My wife and I went out to eat and went home. We both slept good.
I woke up with the most intense pain in my back I've felt in a long time. My neck hurt and was stiff, the middle of my back had multiple knots in it, and my lower back was twitching. I barely made it to work. Good thing it was Friday. I sat on a heating pad all day long and took some pain killers. That helped, but didn't provide any real releif. The weekend was spent doing ice bags and heat pads, watching TV, and reading with my daughter. It was terrible! I was in all kinds of pain! I was worthless the whole weekend.
It's Monday and I'm better, but far from normal. I have PT tomorrow so this will be a topic of conversation. Did the massage screw up my back? I'm certainly gun shy now. Was it just my situation? I told them I had arthritis in my back. You'd think that would be factored in to the things they do to you. I know one woman working there of a PT for 9 years before coming to this spa. So you'd think they know about things like srthritis and such. Dunno. But, I likely won't be back anytime soon!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Why I love Halloween
Thursday, November 01, 2007
I won't see it now
I was never a big Seinfeld fan. The sitcom mostly annoyed me when I watched it. So, it was no big loss to me when it went off the air. Plus, I can't say as I've missed Jerry much . . . if at all. Nothing against him, really. Just don't care.
Well, now I do care. His constant hyping of his new movie "Bee Movie" is driving me nuts. He's showing up everywhere . . . a lot! He's hyping his movie more than Disney hyped High School Musical 2! That does it for me. Any chance I might have taken my daughter to see this movie is now gone. There's a lot out there. Jamie won't miss it, and I'm sure someone will have the DVD we can borrow. But, put any of my money to this? I think not.
Turn out, Bee Movie isn't exactly setting the ticket booths on fire . . . whatever that means. So far, it's done about 30 some million. Gangsters opened better and with new movies about to open, it's not looking good. It's not expected to last long on the marquee. Predictions are 139 million worldwide. It cost about 130 million to make. Does my heart good.
Well, now I do care. His constant hyping of his new movie "Bee Movie" is driving me nuts. He's showing up everywhere . . . a lot! He's hyping his movie more than Disney hyped High School Musical 2! That does it for me. Any chance I might have taken my daughter to see this movie is now gone. There's a lot out there. Jamie won't miss it, and I'm sure someone will have the DVD we can borrow. But, put any of my money to this? I think not.
Turn out, Bee Movie isn't exactly setting the ticket booths on fire . . . whatever that means. So far, it's done about 30 some million. Gangsters opened better and with new movies about to open, it's not looking good. It's not expected to last long on the marquee. Predictions are 139 million worldwide. It cost about 130 million to make. Does my heart good.
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