Sunday, January 27, 2008

CIty living

A science teacher at Custer High School is being fired for, of all things, not living in Milwaukee. Like most city jobs, there is a requirement to live in the city. He did not. As such . . . bye, bye.

There are two sides to this. On the one side, the rule exists and teachers know about it. Disregard the rule and I think one should expect to be fired. It's that simple. I know of another case of this happening. It didn't make the news and I'm not about to say who or where it occurred. But it was a flagrant disregard for the residency requirement. To a point of being stupid.

I understand the residency rule. You work as a city employee, I think it's good to live i the city. It gives you a perspective of the city you may not have if you lived somewhere else. But, is it really necessary? After all, teachers aren't government representatives, or policemen or women, they are not responsible for making decisions that affect a community . . . why make them live here? Also, we have a severe shortage of teachers and a lack of quality teachers. Perhaps now is a good time to revisit the residency requirement.

Now, there is a reason the union wouldn't want this . . . voter base. Having all their minions in one place where they can be controlled is best for . . . the union. Nevermind what's best for the kids.

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